All five pieces of furniture (well 8 if you count all pieces to that Queen bed!) were lovingly (read stressfully) loaded into Old Grey with lots of blankets yesterday and hauled to The Brass Armadillo! I must say I am married to a saint who worked beside me through thick and thin and (honestly) a few grumpy moments when I was sure something would be destroyed!
People stopped by as we were doing a major re-arrange to accomodate the entire thing and made nice comments like "that won't last here long" and "Oh, no, why wasn't that here last week when I couldn't find anything and went out and bought a $950 new chest of drawers." Seriously, she said that....sigh.
I think they do look lovely. So big week for me at the mall with the little writing desk and chair situated in the shabby chic display at the front of the store. They are expecting it too be a big weekend with a couple exhibitions on elsewhere in the city. Hopefully someone will fall in love with it all!
Next few projects will be a bit smaller and probably for our house -- like painting the high chair and my sewing stand that doubles as a tool bench for me. Thanks for following this epic!